A wicked generation seeketh after a sign
A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign: and a sign shall not be given it […]
Matthew 16:4
The heretics deny the plain words of Jesus regarding the Eucharist and have asked if the consecrated host would truly indeed prove to be flesh, on a scientific level and also if the wine too could be tested to be human blood. But the argument put forth reminds me much of the atheist who requires some scientific evidence that meets their requirements to prove the existence of God, much like the Pharisees came to Christ, tempting Him for a sign or miracle that met their conditions.
But may I ask you Protestants, do you believe that Jesus Christ is truly present in your meetings? You claim to believe that where “two or three are gathered together" in Christ’s name that He is in your midst. Yet let me ask, is this presence of Christ any different than His omnipresence? I have been told that it is: that Christ is more present in your Church services than his normal omnipresence that is everywhere. But how do you know this? Can you scientifically test this presence, or believe you it by faith? You will say, by faith, because you do not need scientific evidence, as you have the clear words of scriptures (though you deny other clear words).
But do you not see the double standard? Catholic’s believe the clear words of Christ, “this is my body” and “this is my blood”. Catholic’s believe that Christ is truly present in the Eucharist (body, blood, soul & divinity). Catholic’s believe this by faith, because of the teachings of the Church; but the heretics require scientific evidence to believe.
But Protestant’s can believe the clear words of Christ “where there are two or three gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them”, they can believe that He is more present in their meetings than his omnipresence and they believe this by faith because of the writings of the Apostles preserved in the Bible. But they do not require scientific evidence to believe this, as there is no scientific evidence available to test Christ’s supernatural presence in their meetings.
Ye are no better than the hypocritical Pharisees who required a sign that met their requirements, but could believe in the existence of God absent of any sign or miracle witnessed by themselves. For what if Christ gave you a sign; would you believe it? I think not, as you are as much a doubter as the Jews. For Christ did give a sign, yet it was not what they were wanting, nor was it something where they had set the conditions: “a sign shall not be given it, but the sign of Jonas the prophet.”.
There a numerous Eucharist miracles which have been documented throughout the centuries; many of which have been scientifically tested in a laboratory which prove the consecrated host to contain human flesh, human blood and human DNA.
But what say you to the evidence? This does not appease you, I am sure. For you believe that even the devil can perform signs and wonders, if it were possible, to deceive the very elect; and that he would work through the Roman Catholic Church to deceive the world. Yes, I know your arguments. Yet these miracles are the very signs you asked for, yet you will not believe; your heart is hardened like the faithless, hard hearted, wicked Jews. And these miracles yet proclaim the same truth which the Church has always believed, the same teachings of the Church fathers that the Eucharist is “the flesh and blood of our Saviour Jesus Christ which suffered and God raised up”. (paraphrase St. Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans).
For as the disciples walked from Jerusalem to Emmaus after the resurrection1, and the resurrected Jesus drew near and conversed with them, their eyes were holden that they did not know him, as he appeared in another form2. Was this then Jesus Christ? Who could have tested and made sure? Of a truth, it was Christ, though they perceived it not, as He had changed His appearance and they did not know. Yet we follow on with them in their journey and discourse. Pray tell me when they recognized this unknown stranger to be the risen Christ? “And it came to pass, whilst he was at table with them, he took bread, and blessed, and brake, and gave to them.3” So astonishing was this divine encounter and revelation that they again reiterate this point to their brethren: “they told what things were done in the way; and how they knew him in the breaking of the bread.4”
Of a truth, we know the risen Christ in the breaking of the bread!
My dear friends, may Christ open thine eyes also, that you may perceive and know the Real Presence of the Resurrected Christ in the Eucharist!
Luke 24:13
Mark 16:12
Luke 24:30
Luke 24:35